The Borough of Keyport was established pursuant to New Jersey Public Law 1908, Chapter 71, "An Act to incorporate the borough of Keyport, in the county of Monmouth" enacted April 2, 1908 and provides that the Borough of Keyport "shall be governed by the general laws of this State relating to boroughs."
New Jersey laws regulating the borough form of municipal government are codified as Chapter 60 in Title 40A of the New Jersey Statutes (N.J.S.A. 40A:60-1 et seq,) which provides for a governing body that includes a Mayor and a six (6) member Borough Council. The Mayor is elected at large (by all voters in the Borough) for a term of four (4) years. Members of the Borough Council are elected at large to three (3) year terms arranged so the terms of two (2) members expire at the end of each calendar year.
The Borough Clerk serves as the secretary of the governing body and secretary of the municipal corporation in accordance with state law.
Local laws (ordinances) are adopted by the Borough Council and approved by the Mayor. Ordinances adopted in recent years are available online HERE. Adopted ordinances are also organized by subject into the Borough Code which is available online HERE.
Additional information about the organization of our local government is available in Chapter 2 (Administration) of the Borough Code.