September 25, 2014
Re: Special Meeting Notice
The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Keyport have called a Special Meeting for TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 at
6:00PM at the Keyport Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 70 West Front Street, Keyport, NJ, for the purpose of
conducting interviews with candidates for the position of Borough Administrator, and any other business which may come
before the Governing Body.
While it is anticipated that the interviews will be conducted in closed session (which is closed to the public), any other business
that may come before the Governing Body may be conducted in open session (which is open to the public).
Formal action may be taken at this meeting.
This notice is provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act Chapter, P.L. 1975, Ch 231.
Valerie Tornick Heilweil, RMC
Municipal Clerk
not for publication.