Bulletin #01- 030612
Reference: Weather Advisory Alert – Storm Saturn
Wednesday March 5, 2013
Residents are alerted to monitor weather conditions over the next 24 hours.
Several weather reporting sources and the Monmouth County OEM information center have issued alerts regarding flooding, heavy rain, high wind and or snow advisories that elevate to warnings through the night hours.
Kindly take time before nightfall to review preparatory standards available on Keyport’s and other weather forecasting websites to ensure you and your family’s comfort should there be a loss of power, flooding from tidal or heavy rain runoff, wind damage or wet snow related failures.
High tides in the Keyport area are:
Wednesday March 6, 2013 high 2:56 p.m.
Thursday March 7, 2013 high 3:29 a.m.
Thursday March 7, 2013 high 4:04 p.m.
Friday March 8, 2013 high 4:34 a.m.
Remember to turn around – don’t drown.
No further bulletins are predicted at this time.
Ken G. Krohe
Ken Krohe, Coordinator OEM Keyport Borough