Sanitary Sewer Cleaning Notice:
Sanitary sewer cleaning and inspection work has commenced as part of the Borough of Keyport’s Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Program. The Borough’s contractor, D&D Trenchless Solutions, Inc. will be jetting, cleaning and internally televising sewer lines throughout the Borough.
The sanitary sewer lines are cleaned using high performance sewer cleaning equipment. A cleaning nozzle is propelled from one manhole to the next using clean water under high pressure. The nozzle is then pulled back to the starting manhole scouring the inside of the sewer pipe. Any debris in the pipe is removed from the manhole with a jet/vactor truck and hauled off-site in accordance with NJDEP regulations.
During the cleaning of sanitary sewer lines, air and possibly clean water may vent into a home through the sanitary sewer service line. When this happens water in the toilet bowl can bubble or surge, or in some instances splash out of the bowl. We remind you that the water that could come from this type of incident is from the bowl itself. Therefore, during the times work has commenced on your street it would be beneficial to make sure to keep the lid of your toilet down to minimize water splashing from your toilet.
The common causes of air and water venting into homes during sanitary sewer cleaning are: air movement from normal cleaning operations, the use of higher pressure need when cleaning sanitary sewer lines that have a minimal slope, sewer mains positioned close to the building, and the size of the residential dwelling’s or commercial establishment’s sewer system.
D&D Trenchless Solutions, Inc. will be distributing door hangers to each impacted property the week when the work is scheduled within your area.
The Borough of Keyport appreciates your cooperation with this critical infrastructure improvement project and if you have any further questions or are impacted by the work, please contact the D&D Trenchless Solutions, Inc. at Tel# 732-222-3487 or the Borough’s Water & Sewer Engineer, Hatch Mott MacDonald, LLC, at Tel# 732-780-6565.