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9/27/2021 - Hydrant Flushing - October 4 through October 22


Maintenance of the water distribution system will begin on Monday, October 4 with the flushing of water mains and fire hydrants. 

This maintenance will continue for the next THREE WEEKS, Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM and is expected to be completed on Friday, October 22.  Some areas may be also be flushed during night-time hours (between 10 PM and 3 PM) Monday to Thursday nights.

You can expect a temporary discoloration or reduction in water pressure during this during this period (October 4 to October 22).  It is recommended you run the cold water tap for a few minutes to make certain the water runs clear, especially before operating your clothes washer or dishwasher. 

CLICK HERE for additional hydrant flushing information.