February 10, 2021
Re: Application submitted by Boardwalk Power Link Project, LLC
Regarding property at:
East Front and Prospect Street. Keyport, NJ (Block 94, Lot 44)
TAKE NOTICE that an application for a Division of Land Use Regulation individual waterfront development application has been submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Land Use Regulation for the development described below
Applicant: Boardwalk Power Link Project, LLC
Project Name: Boardwalk Power Link Project Project Street Address: East Front and Prospect
Block: 94 Lot: 44
Borough of Keyport, Monmouth County
The complete permit application package can be reviewed at either the office of the Keyport Borough Clerk or by appointment at the Department's Trenton Office. The application is subject to a 30-day public comment period Individuals may request a public hearing on the application within 15 calendar days of the date of this notice; if a timely hearing request is received, then a public hearing will be held. Requests for a public hearing shall be sent to the Department at the address below and shall state the specific nature of the issues to be raised at the hearing:
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Land Use Regulation P.O. Box 420, Code 501-02A
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Attn: Keyport Bureau Chief
Questions about the application may be addressed to:
Jason Ringler
ESS Group, Inc. (environmental consultant)
10 Hemingway Drive
East Providence, RI 02915
(401) 330-1234 jringler@essgroup.com