10/23/2010 - FALL BEACH SWEEP
The Keyport Environmental Commission along with the Keyport Central School will hold teh annual Fall Beach Sweep on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 9:00 AM until 12.30PM. Come Rain or Shine! We will meet at Cedar Street Park, located at the foot of Cedar Street off First Street. Please dress appropriately and wear your gloves. This statewide effort along our Shores is a program in partnership with the Clean Ocean Action. Volunteers are needed! For more information, please call Environmental Committee Member Kathy Shaw at 848-218-1240 or email kshaw4@optonline.net. The Beach Clean Up Captain for 2010 is Michael Palmisano. Refreshments will be provided. In addition, we will be distributing a limited number of Keyport IHOP certificates valued at $10.00.
The following list of areas will be cleaned:
Beach Park
Terry Park
Cedar Street Park
Walnut Street East