“Starting on Monday, April 29 and continuing into the summer, Phase 1 of Keyport’s ambitious, multiphase road reconstruction and resurfacing project will begin. The project will include water main upgrades, a newly paved roadway and concrete curb and apron replacement where required. In addition, handicapped curb ramps will be placed at all intersections within the project. The construction contract for the work has been awarded to Black Rock Enterprises, LLC.
Construction will start on Main Street and will continue to the other roadways throughout the summer. Phase 1 includes Main Street between West Front Street and Maple Place, Monroe Street between Broad Street and Atlantic Street, Walnut Terrace and Madison Street. Other Phases of the project including other streets to be resurfaced will be announced soon. This job is being paid for, in part, by a grant from the NJ Department of Transportation ($235,000)
Please observe and obey posted parking restrictions and road closures. For any questions or comments, please call Steve Gallo, Borough Administrator at 732.739.5122 or Trevor J. Taylor of CME Associates, Borough Engineer, at 732 462-7400
On behalf of Mayor Kennedy and the Borough Council, we appreciate your patience as we work together to improve our community.”