9/21/2010 - Better Choices Better Health Workshop
This workshop will meets once a week for six weeks at the Keyport Senior Center located at 110 Second Street. The workshop will give you tips and ideas to make your your life easier. You will learn how to solve problems, how to deal with emotions, and how to relax. You will also learn to make an “action plan” to help you accomplish the things you want to do. Other topics we will talk about include healthy eating, medication usage, working with your health care professionals, and yes, exercise. You will learn to “self manage” your health condition by recognizing and understanding the problem it causes.
This program is from Stanford University and is what is called “evidence based”, which means it has been proven beneficial again and again in a wide variety of populations. It is offered in 40 states and 19 different countries!
The Workshop begins on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 from1:30 - 4:00 PM and every Tuesday thereafter for six weeks. There are generally 8-15 people in a workshop. The 6 sessions last about 2 ½ hours each. They are both informative and interactive. The workshop is free of charge, and it includes a book and refreshments. Please call the Keyport Senior Center for more information at 732-264-4916.
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Please click here to read flyer