The Borough of Keyport is partnering with the US Census Bureau to make a difference. Remember, an accurate count of residents greatly benefits our entire community.
In 2010, the US Census will define who we are as a nation. Taken every 10 years, the Census affects political representation and directs the allocation of billions of dollars in government funding. As a 2010 Census partner, the Borough of Keyport will help educate the community about the importance of participating and to ensure no one is left uncounted.
You too can help us receive the benefits in which we are entitled. Your cooperation and participation will help the community receive our fair share of more services and better infrastructure. Achieving a complete and accurate 2010 Census is in our hands.
Click here to read the brochure
For more information about the 2010 Census, please go to www.census.gov
You can also follow the 2010 Census on Twitter or check them You Tube