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Phase II - Final Design Plan

In the fall of 2008, the Borough completed final design plans for the development of its new waterfront park to be located along the recently completed waterfront bulkhead and promenade between Broad Street and the western end of American Legion Drive.  The new park will be situated within the existing gravel and paved waterfront lot which has been used over the years as a municipal parking lot for a variety of waterfront activities.

The Council approved and Community endorsed waterfront park plan includes a 4 acre park consisting of a ½ acre open lawn area for passive recreation, a 30 foot diameter open air pavilion, a pedestrian plaza with a four faced decorative clock, a variety of sitting and planting areas, an 88 car main parking lot which will also provide some overflow boat trailer parking, and several adjacent parking areas which will accommodate another 40 cars.

The passive recreation area will be located on the western side of the site while the main parking lot will be on the east side.  Full pedestrian circulation will be encouraged throughout the site by new sidewalks and alley way improvements which will connect Fireman’s Parking Lot, Mini Park, Beach Park, the Steamboat Dock Museum, and the Municipal Boat Ramp and the downtown shopping and dining district.

The park will be accessible by both car, via an access road which will run throughout the site connecting American Legion Drive and Broad Street, and by pedestrians from the downtown Mini Park, the waterfront promenade, and existing pedestrian alley ways and sidewalks from First Street, Broad Street and West Front Street.

The pedestrian areas will be complemented by a variety of colored and textured paved surfaces and gardens.  The site will also include a “Rain Garden” (a natural, green depressed planted area which will utilize site stormwater runoff to water the diverse garden plantings while reducing the discharge of pollutants to receiving waters).

The park facilities will be fully accessible and will comply with all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines.

The design also incorporates an overall grading design along with new drainage facilities throughout the site to minimize impacts of seasonal high tide flooding.